Spiritual Waves / Hamburg / Germany
Born in 1979 in Tehran. When he was 9, his mother wanted to inspire him with Santoor lessons and later with the piano. At the age of 11, he received his first Tombak - and he was immediately taken by its sound. His love for percussion and the deep mystical experiences encountered in Sufi Rhythms has taken him on a journey to learn other instruments, such as Iranian Daf and African Udu.
Now Taban also produces electronic music, hoping to combine the influences of his homeland in his music, both rhythmically and melodically. His spiritual odyssey began with encounters of various Masters.
Taban has dwelled in ashrams throughout the Middle East and Europe. He is experienced in meditations techniques and nowadays leads workshops for mindfulness and shamanic ceremonies. Taban is a founder of Yogi-Treff, a community for Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing and Satsang in Hamburg.